What the Heaven? What the Hell? WTH?

What the Heaven? What the Hell? WTH?

with Rev Geo

Sunday, February 11, 2024 

7am Kalama Beach Park

Click HERE for a map to the Park

10am in the Sanctuary 

Click HERE for a map to Kaneohe Atrium


Many of us have heard people speak of a faraway place called heaven where all our needs are met all the time, where we live forever. Yet, Heaven is right here, right now. Heaven is a state of mind, or a shift in awareness. Heaven is a quality of consciousness. According to Unity’s teaching Heaven happens in us, through us, and as us. 


There are many pathways to God which direct our attention to an experience of heaven as a moment by moment experience. Heaven is not a destination nor a geographical location, although Jesus gave heaven a specific location; according to the Gospel of Luke, heaven is within us. Join us at the beach and also in the Sanctuary on Sunday, February 10, as we come together for a realization of heaven now.