Radical Forgiveness Book Study PLUS+

Radical Forgiveness Book Study PLUS+

with Reverend Cynthia Leveque


“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’”  —Matthew 18:21-22 New International Version


Meeting Fridays, November 3, 17, & December 1 at 9:30-11:15am at Unity Windward Sanctuary. We’ll be reading and working with the book, Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. These practices have been a life-changing part of my spiritual journey and I am looking forward to exploring them with you.

The format of the class will include reading parts of the book and supporting each other with the tools that are available from the International Institute for Radical Forgiveness and Leadership, such as the Radical Forgiveness Worksheet.


According to the website www.radicalforgiveness.org

“These tools are designed to awaken your Spiritual Intelligence, which is the mind of the Higher Self.” 


About the Facilitator: Rev. Cynthia Leveque is blessed to live on this island with her wonderful husband, Roland, to live near family and serve Unity through teaching and mentoring.  She has participated in several Radical Forgiveness Trainings and Forgiveness Circles and loves to get messy with life.  


Call or text Cynthia at 515-782-9612