Spiritual Freedom

Out of Bondage & Into Spiritual Freedom, July 4, 2021


True spiritual freedom moves us away from the grips of the bondage of the past, and joins us in communion with our Source, right here and right now. Rigid religious belief seldom results in freedom, and flexibility of thought and feeling brings a greater awareness of our union with Spirit. Spiritually free from the constraints of preconceived notions, or unconscious beliefs, and we can celebrate our choice in engagement for life. We are released from limitation, from the bondage of the past, the bondage of the small self. We go forth into our land, proclaiming, “Liberty, and life!” Join us Sunday, July 4 to celebrate our freedom in Spirit. 

 Rev Geo is a Unity Minister with Unity Windward, where he persists in the exploration of Truth. Culturally Christian; Spiritually Unlimited! Metaphysical, Mystical Spiritual-Mindedness. Unity is a pathway for expanding spiritual life. Affirmative Spiritual Living… 


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