At-One with Atonement

At-One with Atonement

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Our human experience and human condition can sometimes bring us to a conclusion that “something is missing.” Life may sometimes present itself as, somehow… incomplete. Each of us live our lives with a desire for the divine, a desire for a God of an understanding which beings a sense of completion, and wholeness. We may not fully grasp what it is that we desire, and man’s search for meaning can take many twists, and turns leaving us perplexed, and uncertain. The shape and form of our search may take myriad structures. For millennia, religion and spirituality have conveyed a solution to this quandary, described by many names. Yet most of Christianity calls this union, atonement. “Atonement” is the word ascribed to what we seek, in order to answer the deeper questions of life, and to offer us a sense of purpose.

Most of us have been given merely one explanation of atonement, and most thinking people find this description and solution to be inadequate, and insufficient. Join us this Sunday, to consider the many different ways that atonement can take place, and we’ll honor the many pathways we each may take in order to experience and express our unity with the divine.


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