Spiritual Exploration & Potluck Lunch

Every Thursday from 11:00am to 4:30pm at Unity Windward, ALL are invited to join for food, fellowship and fun as we dive deep in discussion of A Course in Miracles, Channellings from Paul Selig, and The Way of Mastery. Bring a dish to share or simply bring yourself for a deliciously delectable experience of daily bread and spiritual delight.

11:00am A Course in Miracles
This is an “open sharing” group format with “cover to cover” reading of the Foundation for Inner Peace (blue book) edition of A Course in Miracles. Facilitated by Course student, Alan Lemieux.

12:00 - 12:30pm Plant-based potluck
Join the sharing of a healthy, nutritious vegetarian or vegan lunch.

1:00 - 2:30pm I AM the Word from Paul Selig
In a series of enticing, irresistibly practical dialogues, the Guides of I AM the Word identify the emotional "boulders" that displace our authentic selves and consume our potential. The Guides provide to-the-point psychological and existential insights, along with self-developing exercises and affirmations, which begin to strip away residues of fear, self-doubt, and self-suffocating habits. The channeled Guides of I AM the Word provide a concise and immensely powerful program in self-awareness that can ease negative complexes and align your existence with its highest purpose.

3:00 - 4:30pm The Book of Love & Creation from Paul Selig
The Book of Love and Creation is filled with meditations, exercises, psychological insights, and affirmations. In this bold, bracing, practical, and fresh revelation, the Guides instruct how to develop powers of intuition, clairvoyance, and inner knowing.  As a spiritual being within, you’ll grow into an increasingly capable, resilient, and confident individual amid the demands of outer life.  The Book of Love and Creation is an extraordinary experience in a new body of channeled wisdom,that is attracting readers from all across the world. With this second book in the first trilogy of channeled works, you’ll be invited to develop intuitive abilities and continue the program of self-development begun in the first book in the series, I Am the Word.